- 12th AAAD / 23rd JAED
12th Biennial Meeting of Asian Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry - Theme : The patient's demands come first
- Chairperson of the Meeting 12th AAAD :
Prof. Dr. HIdehiko Sano (Hokkaido University) - July 19 (Thu) - 22 (Sun) , 2012
- Sapporo Convention Center ( Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan)
WebSite: http://www.sora-scc.jp/eng/ - Measurement Results of Radiation Levels
- Contct
Organizing Committee Secretariat
Prof. Hidehiko SANO
Tel: +81-11-706-4261
Fax:+81-11-706-4878 - Japanese Regional Liaison
12th AAAD / 23rd JAED
12th Biennial Meeting of Asian Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry
Secretariat: c/o Koku Hoken Kyokai
1-43-9 Komagome Toshima-ku,Tokyo
170-0003 JAPAN
E-mail: aaad12@kokuhoken.jp