Period of collection of lectures subjects and submission of abstracts
February 1 (Tue.) to March 17 (Thu.) April 8 (Fri.), 2011
Subject registration and abstract submission are done online, so please register from the "subject application registration screen" below.
For subject application and abstract submission, the UMIN system is used.
How to register a subject of lecture
We recommend that you prepare the abstract text on your PC first, and then copy and paste it within the abstract text framework on the subject registration screen.
Request regarding character entry
When you select “English” for the language of abstract text
- Write the abstract text within 250 English words. Use the following standard abstract forms: the abstract of the research report should consist of “Objective,” “Methods,” “Results” and “Conclusion”; and the abstract of the case report should consist of “Objective,” “Case,” “Results” and “Conclusion.”
If these items are not clear, the subjects may not be accepted. - The total number of characters for the author name (English), the name of the organization you belong to (English), the abstract title (English), and the abstract text (English) should be 1,980 half-size characters including spaces.
- To spell your name, use all capitals for your surname and use capital only for the first letter of your given name.
- We cannot present any photo or chart whatsoever, for which your understanding is requested.
- The abstracts and programs of this meeting will be published as a journal of our society (special number for the meeting), so there is no need to register post-abstracts.
Points requiring attention at the time of submitting lecture subjects and abstracts
- Register the password to refer to and renew the registered abstract (6 to 8 half-size alphanumeric characters)
- You can renew and change your abstract as many times as you like on the homepage until the deadline of the submission.
Presentation Form
(1) Oral presentation
Presentation at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for the Temporomandibular Joint
- Presentation time: 7 minutes for oral presentation; 3 minutes for questions and answers
- Presentation using a liquid crystal projector connected to a PC.
(2) Poster presentation form
Posters in Japanese will be presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for the Temporomandibular Joint, and posters in English will be presented at the 2nd Asian Academic Congress for the Temporomandibular Joint.
The poster size and presentation method will be described in the next report.
(3) Acceptance/rejection result
We will send the result to the e-mail address you entered at the time of subject registration.
Regarding acceptance or rejection, please leave it up to the program study committee.
[Excellent Poster Award]
From among presented posters, the best poster will be selected to receive the Excellent Poster Award.